Locked Area Lite Version 6.4 Stable
Originally Released:
1st September 1999 (Version 1.0)
Latest Release:
11th October 2008 (Version 6.4)
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Copyright and Licensing Information
Locked Area Lite may be used and modified by anyone so long as they have a fully registered copy and this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this code you agree to indemnify ionix Limited and Locked-Area.com from any liability that might arise from its use. Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and make money off of our program. Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact. We cannot be held responsible for any harm this may cause.
Locked Area Lite System Requirements
- The server must be running Linux, Unix (or variant) or Windows operating system.
- The server must be running the Apache Web Server software, Locked Area does not support IIS etc...
- The server must have Perl 5 or above installed.
- The following Perl modules must be installed: CGI.pm (required) and CGI::Carp for error reporting (not required).
- Locked Area Pro requires the Perl modules, DATE::Calc for date calculations. LWP::UserAgent is used for the Locked Area Pro upgrade process.
Do I have these modules? Not sure, contact your system administrator to check... All required Perl modules are standard Perl modules and should be already installed but if not, all are available from: http://search.cpan.org/
Step 1. Extract the files from the Locked Area ZIP file and place them somewhere on your computer. The ZIP file can be extracted using WinZIP or similar which is available from: http://www.download.com/
You should have the following files/directories:
Locked Area Pro also includes:
Step 2. Open batchsetup.cgi in your favourite text editor (NotePad will not do, WordPad or TextPad is suitable).
Modify the top line of batchsetup.cgi to represent the path to Perl 5 on your web server. If you're not sure what it is, contact your system administrator. Common locations are #!/usr/bin/perl and #!/usr/local/bin/perl, if you are running XAMPP on a Windows server it is likely to be #!"C:\XAMPP\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe".
Step 3. Create a directory called 'la' in your 'cgi-bin' directory and upload all .cgi, .pl and .pm files from the ZIP file to the 'cgi-bin/la' directory on your web server.
Upload all template files in the 'templates' and 'templates/mail' directories to the 'cgi-bin/la' directory. This would result in two new directories at the locations, 'cgi-bin/la/templates' and 'cgi-bin/la/templates/mail' which must contain the files in the ZIP file as they are listed above.
Upload all .cgi, .pl and .pm files in ASCII mode, not Binary mode, the files must go in your cgi-bin or a location on your web server that supports Perl script execution. Template files can be uploaded in ASCII or Binary mode.
Upload the image files from the 'images' directory in the ZIP file to the location of your choice. These are images used by Locked Area Lite (mainly the administration panel). The images must be uploaded in Binary mode, not ASCII mode. The images will most likely not work if uploaded to the 'cgi-bin' directory.
It is recommended you upload all .cgi and .pl files to a directory called 'la' within your 'cgi-bin', this is not a requirement, the files can go directly in the 'cgi-bin' or in a directory with your choice of name.
Step 4. Create a directory for your member's area, this is the directory which will be password protected. You can call this directory whatever you like, it can be placed anywhere on your web site and called whatever you like.
Step 5. For Linux/Unix servers only, not applicable to Windows installations. Set the permissions (CHMOD) on all the .cgi files to 755 (executable). This is usually done via FTP, simply right click on a .cgi file and select the 'CHMOD' or 'File Permissions' option, if using telnet/SSH you can type 'chmod 755 *.cgi'.
Set the permissions (CHMOD) on the 'la' directory which contains the .cgi files to 755 or 777, 755 is preferred.
Set the permissions (CHMOD) on your member's area directory to 755 or 777, 755 is preferred.
755 is the standard but it may be something else. If you're not sure what you are doing, contact your system administrator for advice.
Step 6. Open your web browser and point it to the location of batchsetup.cgi. Just type the URL to where batchsetup.cgi resides on your server, e.g. http://www.locked-area.com/cgi-bin/la/batchsetup.cgi
Step 7. Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation wizard says the installation process is complete.
Step 8. Now, set the directory with batchsetup.cgi in, your cgi script directory and the member's area directory back to their original permissions. They were most likely 644, if you recieve any errors after doing that, set them back to 755.
Step 9. You're finished! Call up admin.cgi in your web browser in the same way as you did for batchsetup.cgi.
Enter the administrator username and password you set at installation and log-in. Once logged in, go to configuration and verify that all the variables are set correctly.
Please ALWAYS use full/absolute paths and NOT relative paths. The script generally doesn't function correctly when relative paths are used.
Step 10. Delete batchsetup.cgi when done, do not delete UserAgent.pm
Switching to mySQL Database Mode
To use Locked Area with a mySQL database rather than text-based database, run/import the la_db.sql SQL file via phpMyAdmin or similar mySQL administration interface.
Once the database structure has been setup, configure Locked Area as appropriate via the 'System/Web Site Settings' section of your 'Configuration'. Once done, select the 'Swap to mySQL DB Mode' button.
Coverting from Locked Area vX.X
Installation Troubleshooting
I get a File Not Found error when loading batchsetup.cgi.
- Check the URL you are using does reflect the correct location for where you upload batchsetup.cgi.
- If problems persist, contact your system administrator for advice.
I get a Internal Server Error when loading batchsetup.cgi.
- Check the path to Perl on the top line of batchsetup.cgi is correct and pointing to Perl 5 on your server.
- Check your server has the CGI.pm Perl module installed.
- Make sure you uploaded batchsetup.cgi in ASCII mode, NOT Binary and make sure the permissions are (CHMOD) 755.
- Check the permissions on the directory containing batchsetup.cgi are set to 755 or 777, try both.
I've run the installation wizard, but no .htaccess/.htpasswd or database files have been created.
- Check the member's area directory is set to 777 or 755 (writable).
- Otherwise, consult your host for advice, the server may require special settings.
- Make sure all the variables you set at installation are correct and non of them have any quotes in them. i.e. "
- Check the variables.pl file has been created and variables.pl.1 does not exist, if variables.pl.1 exists - rename to variables.pl.
- Check your paths are full/absolute paths, relative paths and environmental variables will not work.
The scripts run, but when I register the admin area still says no members.
- Reinstall and make sure your path to the members database is a full path that ends with a filename. e.g. /home/username/dir/dir/members.db
- Check the member's db has been created and that it's permissions are writable, e.g. 777.
I've registered, but can't login, the popup window doesn't except my username/password.
- Check with your host that they support .htaccess Auth_Basic.
- Also check the .htaccess and .htpasswd files have been created and both have data in them.
- Check the server type you're on, if it's a Cobalt Raq or Windows make sure you selected as such at installation.
- Also make sure you entered a full path to the members area at installation, a relative path will not work!
register.cgi displays a not accepting new registrations message.
- Go to the configuration section of the admin panel and tick the signup status tick box, then click update.
When running the installation wizard, I get a file cannot be created error.
- Check your cgi script and member's area directory paths are correct. You must enter a full/absolute path and not a relative path, url or enviroment variable.
- Ensure the directory is set to 777 or 755.
- These are the only possible causes of such an error, please do not post a question relating to this in the forum or help desk, simply contact your system administrator and check the path you are using is correct and the permissions are set correctly.
When running the installation wizard, I get a file cannot be located error.
- Check you uploaded the file from the ZIP file to it's correct location, all the .cgi and .pl files and directories should be in the same directory as batchsetup.cgi. The structure within the templates directory must be as it is in the ZIP file.
I can't update the template files via the administration panel.
- Check the permissions on the files within the templates directory and ensure they are set to 666 or 777.
Delete all files associated to Locked Area, to remove password protection from the member's area directory remove the .htaccess and .htpasswd files.
Getting Support
If you're having problems and need some help please visit the support forum.
Support Forum: http://my.locked-area.com/forum/
** Helpdesk and email support are reserved for commercial customers and are not available free of charge! **
Comments, Complaints and Suggestions
Got a comment, a complaint or maybe even a suggestion relating to Locked Area?
Please email them to, comments@locked-area.com.
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